Tag Archives: Travel Spain

Oh Me Oh My…How Time Flies!


Sooooo it’s been a little over 2 months since my last post! But as they say….Times Flies When You’re Having Fun!!!!

Besides being busy with work and my rigorous daily traveling via the Madrid Public Transport systems, I did take time to:

a) Celebrate my 27th Birthday

My Ladies!!! Dani, Me and Polly at my Birthday Party!!!!

(I can’t believe another year has gone again!!!! I moved to Madrid when I was 23!!!! Holy Shizzzzzzz!!!!!!)


b) Have my Mom and Grandma over for a 2 week visit over Easter break and the week following it.

I hadn’t seen my Mom in about 2 and a half years….and I hadn’t seen my Grandma in almost 4 YEARS!!!!!!!

Soooo it was nice to have them here….of course the usual occurs when family stays with you for a long time….they do get on your nerves, buuuuut that’s what family members are for!

I have come to the conclusion after this trip that my Grandma Shirley is AWESOME!!!!!

And I’m A LOT LIKE HER!!!!!!!!

Things I’ve learned from my Grandma over this little 2 week trip…

*Drink a Beer or a Glass of Wine Everyday…..Not because you’re an alcoholic (1 is enough really) buuuuuut because you DESERVE IT!!!!

Me and Grandma and Our Tinto de Veranos

Beer and Patatas Bravas on a Terraza in Valencia

*Be Feisty and Let People Know What You Think and Have NO REGRETS about What You Say or Do!

Waiting for the Bus back to Madrid from Valencia….chillin!!!!

*Eat Ice Cream and Dark Chocolate EVERYDAY!!!! Why????…..WHY NOT, is the correct response to that question.

Eating Ice Cream on a Rainy/Cloudy day in Madrid. 🙂

*Take Pictures of Hot Waiters aaaaand call them Hot in front of them even though they don’t understand you. 😉

The Hot Waiter from La Pepica in Valencia

*Act like a child while at the beach….picking seashells never gets old!!!!!

Collecting Seashells…

*Be Active!!!…because the moment you stop, your age might catch up with ya and you won’t feel as young as you really are.

My Grandma Climbed up 7 flights of stairs in a tower in Toledo….

And this is what she saw! (Toledo, Spain)

*When someone won’t give you their attention…..a little ‘YOO-HOO!’  and a lil wave of the hand works wonders!!!!!! 😉

*Stop Your Bitchin’ and Be Grateful For What You Have!

*Work Hard…Always! Cause If You Don’t Work Hard You Have NO RIGHT To Complain!!!!

*You don’t need much in this world to be happy…Some Food, Friends, Family, A Roof Over Your Head and Some Clothes on Your Back…..everything else are extras that make the ice cream even sweeter….but plain vanilla, chocolate or strawberry is alright with me!

And what I’ve learned from my mother is…..

*I love her and I’m so grateful for her….buuuuut she is her father’s daughter and I am my father’s daughter which makes us Day and Night. And although she might drive me bonkers after 3 or 4 days together, she is still my Mom! 😉

Porras/Churros and Chocolate at the Valor Chocolateria in Madrid

Tinto de Verano on the Mercado de San Anton’s Rooftop Terrace in the Chueca barrio of Madrid.

Grandma…and the Valencian Beach La Malvarossa at Sunset.

Easter Sunday in the Retiro Park in Madrid.

Mom with her vino, pisto and tortilla de patata!

Mom and Grandma at the Beach in Valencia.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my pics….I’m getting ready for some new reviews! From Valencia, Barcelona, Santander and Madrid.

Happy Spring to All My Readers!!! 🙂


La Guiri